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Letting Go

“In the end these things matter most:

How well did you love?

How fully did you love?

How deeply did you learn to let go?”


When I was staying out at my parents’ beach house recently, I went for a […]

With abandon…

“Rain usually makes me feel mellow: curl up in a corner time, slow down, smell the furniture. Today… it just makes me feel wet.”

Chris Stevens from ‘Northern Exposure’

Does anyone remember the show, ‘Northern Exposure?’ I was a fan. My girlfriend Desiree and I even took a small detour during […]


“There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.”

Minnie Aumonier

We went for a gorgeous, fall walk in the forest and Fig had a spill. She tripped on a root and rolled, head-over-heels, in beautiful form. It […]


“Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.”

Amelia Burr

I try to take the girls on an outdoor adventure every day, rain or shine, and last week was no exception. It was a blustery day when I packed a lunch and the three of […]