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Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

Sicilian Proverb

You know you’ve hit the jackpot when you enjoy your work and your colleagues become some of your dearest friends.  Before I moved back to Vancouver Island six years ago, I was teaching at a school in West Vancouver, forming friendships with co-workers that will certainly last a lifetime.

Five of these women brought their families to the Island for a camping holiday, so my sister and I packed up our kids and visited them at their campsite, about thirty minutes outside of town.

The four hours we spent together felt thirty minutes, and I’m now lamenting the fact that we didn’t pitch a tent right alongside them for the night.  I miss them.  I’m experiencing the same phenomenon that my sister used to feel whenever I’d come home for a visit after being away at University.  She always cried more when I returned home than when I left, because when she saw me again, she realized how much she had missed me.  (At least that’s her story!)  I feel the same way about these women.  I was in their company mere hours ago, but I miss them more than I have all year!

Funny how that happens.


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