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“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.”

Hodding Carter

Our second visit to Daisytree was a shortened morning session in which all of the kids and parents met for a short time to get acquainted.  As I suspected, Pip was hesitant when the room was full of people.  Fig happily launched into some puzzling with a couple of other kids while Pip clung to my arm.  I kept trying to nudge her toward activities that other kids were involved with, but she stayed by my side and simply observed the busy-ness.

Lily let all of the parents and kids get to know each other in an informal manner, then she called the group together for a story.  She wasn’t going to read a book though, she was going to tell the story of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff,’ and she had props!  Suddenly, my sidekick whispered to me, “Mom, I want to help Lily tell the story,” and she marched past the kids and parents to Lily’s side.  Lily paused and looked at Pip, “Lily, I want to help you.”

Lily fed Pip the lines and Pip delivered them with flair.  She went from being the quiet observer clinging to her mom, to being the front-and-centre storyteller.  Amazing.  Pip’s involvement inspired other kids to want ‘goat roles,’ and the proud parents were all entertained by neighing, uncooperative goats.

The kids enjoyed a snack together and, before we knew it, the morning had come to an end.

Successful Daisytree visit number two!

The next step is a big one: no parents.  Pip has managed to surprise me at every turn though, and with Lily casting her enchanting spell over Pip, I’m optimistic that she’ll be fine without me.  I’ll let you know what happens on Friday.

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