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Dream come true

“There are some people who live in a a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”

Douglas H. Everett

Ever since Crazybaby has been able to climb up onto Pip’s bed, there has been trouble.  Pip’s bed had been her private domain; an area that the crawling, and newly-walking Crazybaby had been unable to reach.  But now, the more advanced Crazybaby is easily able to invade Pip’s private space.

We want to honour Pip’s need for her own space, but at the same time, we’d love for the girls to eventually coexist happily in the same room.  All of the girls’ toys and books are in Pip’s bedroom, so we’re not willing to shut Crazybaby out.  Our solution has been to provide Pip with other places in the house to retreat to when she needs some privacy, but her favourite spot to read is on her bed.

Last week Pip was enjoying some solo-reading-time, when Crazybaby decided to join her.  “Mama….we need you!!!”   I arrived in the bedroom to find both girls on the bed.  “Can you please get her out of here?” Pip pleaded.

“What is she doing that’s bothering you?”

“She’s bouncing up and down.  I’m just trying to read.  Can you please get her out of here?” she repeated.

“Okay Pip,” I began, “but it would be a dream come true to see my two daughters getting along.”

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So now let me tell you about last night… It started off like this:

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A few minutes after I took this shot, Pip called to me, “Mama, come quick!  Your dream is coming true!”  I picked up my camera and found this:



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Then things started to deteriorate a bit when Crazybaby decided to practice her head-stand:

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But Pip didn’t seem to mind at all, and I continued to bask in the dream-come-trueness of the moment.


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