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Kettles, Pots and Brownies

“The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor.”

Chinese Proverb

We don’t typically eat dessert, but every once in awhile Big Daddy-O brings home some sugary delight when he goes grocery-shopping.  Last night it was those evil little two-bite brownies.  Ironically, Pip didn’t even know they were called ‘Two-bite Brownies’ when she took one nibble, then popped the rest of the entire brownie in her tiny little mouth.  I found myself looking at a guilty chipmunk across the table.

“Pip, did you put the whole thing in your mouth?” I asked.

Her mouth was too full to speak; all she could do was flash a gooey, chocolate grin.  “Oh, Sweetie,” began my husband, “you don’t want to eat too fast.  There’s no rush.  You should eat your dessert slowly.”

Now, those of you who know my dear husband may be rolling your eyes right now because you realize that this is a PRIME example of the pot calling the kettle black.  Firstly, my husband eats faster than our dog, and secondly, he has been known to have two helpings of dessert after consuming three servings of dinner!  Granted, he doesn’t do this on a regular basis, but I’m not exaggerating!

At any rate, I couldn’t possibly let an opportunity like this go by without giving my husband a hard time.  With a twinkle in my eye I said, in my most sarcastic voice,  “Pip, you should definitely listen to your father because he ALWAYS eats VERY slowly.  He SAVOURS every single mouthful of his dessert; he chews SLOWLY and he NEVER, EVER  puts too much food in his mouth.”

Big Daddy-O chuckled, and Pip, who had finished swallowing her brownie during my little monologue, asked if she could please have another.

“Sorry, Sweetie; ONE brownie after dinner and that’s all.”

“But Mama, I need two desserts.”

“Why is that, Pip?”

“Because I eat a lot faster than Daddy.”

Lord help me.

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