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Anger Plan

“Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry.”

Lyman Abbott

Pip surprised me the other day by stomping her foot on the floor when she was frustrated. It was a case of her not getting what she wanted, and instead of talking about […]


“When kids play they remember, they may not be aware that they are learning, but they sure are aware that they are having fun.”

Rebecca Krook

I was inspired by my sister yesterday. (It’s not unusual, I’m frequently inspired by her!) She’s home-schooling my five-year-old niece as well as working part-time […]

With abandon…

“Rain usually makes me feel mellow: curl up in a corner time, slow down, smell the furniture. Today… it just makes me feel wet.”

Chris Stevens from ‘Northern Exposure’

Does anyone remember the show, ‘Northern Exposure?’ I was a fan. My girlfriend Desiree and I even took a small detour during […]


“Life is about timing.”

Carl Lewis

You know how everyone says that when you’re raising kids you have to ‘choose your battles?’ Well, I’d like to add that once you’ve decided that something is battle-worthy, it is critical that you choose the right TIME to go into combat. Last night, I […]