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I love Chinese Food!

“Everyone eats and drinks, yet few appreciate food.”


Big Daddy-O was away and the girls and I had to run an errand in the late afternoon.  It took longer than I had anticipated, so at 5:20 pm I decided to pick-up Chinese food for dinner instead of cooking at home.

“But I don’t like Chinese food, Mama,” Pip whined.

“Honey, you’ve never tried Chinese food, so you don’t know if you like it or not.”  This next bit is rather shameful, “Do you know that you used to say that you didn’t like chocolate chip cookies?  Then you tried them one day, and you liked them!”  It wasn’t true, but at least it made her think about making uninformed decisions about food preferences!

We strolled into Q.F. and ordered the four-item combo; rice, veg, chow mein and prawns.   Just for fun, I had them throw in a few spring rolls.  (My mouth is watering just typing the words, ‘spring rolls.’)

We got home and I had dinner laid out in a flash.  Pip seemed to like the looks of her dinner after all, and chomped into her spring roll without hesitation; or plum sauce.  “Mama, I LOVE CHINESE FOOD!”  were the words that I heard at least three times that evening.

“Fantastic, Pip!”

“I think I could eat a WHOLE spring roll all by myself,” she ate one and a half rolls, then polished off everything on her plate.

After dinner the girls ran around a bit while I cleaned up, then we all danced for awhile before bath-time.

Once I had put Fig to bed, it was time to read to Pip.  I got onto her bed while she looked for her book of choice.  When she joined me on the bed, she performed an energetic little bounce on all fours and surprised us both by purging a good portion of her dinner on the bed.

“I threw-up Mama.”  Pip was very calm.

“Yes you did, Honey.”  I began to strip the sheet.

“I don’t know why I did that Mama.”

I explained that perhaps her body wasn’t used to Chinese food, perhaps she ate too quickly, or perhaps it was just all of the activity straight after dinner.

By the time I finished my explanation, Pip was snuggled into bed and ready for her book.  I had to let a small chuckle escape before I began reading.  I couldn’t help myself; it was the vision of her exuberant, ‘I LOVE CHINESE FOOD MAMA!!!’ coupled with the sudden vomiting image.   Pip didn’t see the irony, of course, but she laughed when I chuckled, just to keep my giggle company.

8 comments to I love Chinese Food!

  • Marnie

    I’m giggling too!

  • Amy

    Me too, giggling that is! Mattie did the same thing with his Halloween candy!!

    We’d love to join you guys after Christmas, as long as the roads are ok! Maybe the 27th or 28th? Are you sure you want all of us, although my boys are quite charming, it could be a total disaster…And my beautiful little girl feels that the nights are for screaming…I totally understand if you want to reconsider or put us in the garage!!!

  • Marnie

    Amy, If The Grateful Mama won’t take you her great sister will!!!! Am excited at the thought of your potential visit:) We’ll definitely be around.

  • great story! i’m a laughin’!!!

  • Karen

    Glad you liked it Jennifer!

    Sista, you’re so funny.

    Amy, no chance we’ll reconsider, we’re all very excited about seeing you! (The garage is heated, though.) Let’s talk soon & we’ll decide how best to accommodate your sweet little family!

  • That’s hilarious. Of course it’s probably only the ones with kids that would find this so amusing. We’re getting a lot of that lately from our 4.5 yr old. “I don’t like …!” “Please, just try it.” “NO I will not!” Then when we finally get her to try it, she usually likes it. It’s a very defiant age I think.

  • Karen

    When Pip was younger she would eat ANYTHING and our friends, who had two fussy eaters at ages four and six, said to us: “Just you wait!” I’m sure most parents would agree with you Lisa!